
I’m at work and this entry is going to be work-related. I have some ideas about things I could do at work that would improve things, and I thought it would be good to jot them down here.

Today Keith and I have been scrambling to find gear we need to do this or that, and just as I was about to start pricing out an external zip drive, I found out that we have one (burried in a drawer in the secretary’s office). So I’m thinking that a more centralized check in/out area for (especially) small bits of gear would be very helpful, along with a solid inventory of what we have.

One of the closets in my office would be perfect. I’m thinking I could use some wire shelving to make it a nice, secure space where we could keep all of the gear that people might need only ocassionaly. I haven’t run this idea by my boss yet, but I’m thinking I will. I already have most of the software in one place, but some of it is spread out between the offices.

Had a nice email from Jamkat, who is moving back to Fayetteville from Lawrence, KS. It’s going to be great having him (and his fiance, Anne) around again.