Julian Barnes, M.A. Thesis
My M.A. thesis about the novels of British novelist Julian Barnes and his concept of history.
Interviews from Bassplaying.com
I did several interviews for the (now defunct) Bassplaying.com. One of my projects is to migrate all of these to Wheatblog. So far, I’ve migrated my interview with Chuck Rainey (bassist for Steely Dan, Aretha Franklin, Quincey Jones and many others). At some point, I’ll do the same for the interviews with Billy Sheehan (Mr. Big, David Lee Roth, Niacin, etc.), Patrick Pfeiffer (author of Bass Playing for Dummies), Steve Lawson, and Gonzalo Silva.
Wheat’s BassBook
Another current writing project (as of July 2021) is to create a bass guitar method book based loosely on my venerable website, wheatsbassbook.com.
My blog, which I’ve been periodically updating since June 2000.
Featured photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash