Okay, I spent all day on it: resurecting my homepage from the dead (or, from a months-old backup, which amounts to the same thing). It’s almost ready for primetime, but I’m wainting until tomorow to upload it. Then I’ll turn to some other reconstructions before having a final go at either salvaging my dead hard drive, or wiping it clean and installing Red Hat 6.2 from scratch. Though I do lament the loss of my JavaScript tutorial site (Web Interactivity: Designing with JavaScript), my pages are probably far better for me having to go work on them as diligently as I have today. It’s sad that I sometimes need something as dramatic as a hard drive crash to prompt me into working on my stuff.
I’m going this weekend (leaving Friday) to visit my birth-mother, Vicki, in Dallas, Texas. She tracked me down back in May of this year. Since then, we’ve exchanged quite a lot of email and even met once (she flew up here). I’m really looking forward to this.